if you want privacy , don’t use SINGLE browser for everything

Hello everyone, when i started using internet for the first time , i was like – OMG this is better than REAL world. But after some time i just want to know to be frank i was just so curious about , Does anyone know what am i browsing? or if someone had my phone, are they gonna know what am i browsing ?

these type of questions are becoming more and more each time when i open a browser or an app , etc….

So , then i noticed INCOGNITO mode, which is better but still i’m not satisfied with that. While this is happening , i SUDDENLY noticed an ad on a website in chrome browser. That is the same thing i was searching on AMAZON before that DAY. I was like ,, it’s ok – but how ,,

After seeing so many ads like this , i started to WORRY – how does this SITE knew what i am DOING on amazon or what i was WATCHING on some sites or apps like YOUTUBE !!!!!!!!!

i started researching and finally noticed that the internet is ONE big thing – WHERE EVER YOU GO , THE INTERNET FOLLOWS YOU – . Then i downloaded different browsers not more than 3 to 4.

i divided my browsing activities, like for GOOGLE apps i use chrome – i mean , things linked up with the mail account that i use as primary in my PHONE. If you sign in on play store using an email account , that mail account is linked to the gmail app , youtube app , chrome , calendar and other google apps .

for things that need privacy – i use another browser like FIREFOX or any other which have the capability of blocking ads and trackers , cookies , you get it right! For example banking sites and sites which ask you to “allow cookies”. after using the sites i just clear the cookies or the browser will do that for me every time i exit the BROWSER.

for learning i use another browser and for maintaining different MAIL service accounts like outlook mail, proton mail i use another browser. THAT’S IT now what you have to do is , set up each browser settings as you wish.

turn off the diagnostics data – this will sends you browsing data(how the browser performs and some crash reports and other browser related data that helps the browser company to maintain the browser experience smooth for their customers) , if the browser has a built in ad blocker turn it ON , and also turn off third party cookies and some other settings you will find on your own.

for google related things just turn off diagnostics data. because WE actually FOOLING GOOGLE by HIDING our actual browsing HISTORY and makes google THINK that we are only browsing and surfing what we are browsing and surfing on chrome.

So , always be careful while using internet.

errors !! in comments.

Published by deep

I'll change this "About Me" later

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